How BRYTER slashed their EC2 costs by 50%!
“Zesty works with us as if we’re partners, allowing us to adjust and make changes as we need to. We give notice of any major changes and then optimize savings as we go.”
Kinga Otffinowska
Engineering Manager
“The model is very transparent. The more we save, the more commission Zesty gets for it, and that’s something that works for us.”
Kinga Otffinowska
Engineering Manager
“We also appreciate the support we get. We regularly introduce new technology which impacts how we use our instances, and which instances we use. We’re able to talk about the scaling of it with the Zesty team and plan how we can continue to make sure we’re optimized for cost throughout the process.”
Kinga Otffinowska
Engineering Manager
BRYTER is the no-code automation platform built for legal and compliance professionals. Law firms and in-house legal departments use BRYTER to automate workflows, digitize contracting, and build self-service applications. Global law firms like Clifford Chance, Linklaters, and Paul Hastings through to professional service firms like Deloitte, PwC, and KPMG, and in-house legal teams from companies like McDonald’s and Telefonica use BRYTER to deliver services digitally. BRYTER is a remote-first company with offices in New York, London, and Frankfurt.
Their cloud infrastructure is hosted in AWS using EKS clusters, with some experimentation of OpenAI hosted in Azure.
BRYTER’s fluctuating workloads led them to seek a solution that would provide them with even greater flexibility and efficiency than their AWS Savings Plans.
After implementing Zesty, BRYTER reduced its EC2 costs by more than 50%.
The Challenge:
BRYTER started focusing on optimizing its cloud costs to enable greater efficiency. This involved a review by their engineering team of their entire infrastructure to see where they could make savings.
To start with, they evaluated licenses, removing unnecessary tooling and cost monitoring. Shortly after, they allocated Savings Plans to their workloads.
While they were satisfied with the use of Savings Plans, they were looking for a solution that would provide them with even greater flexibility and efficiency. BRYTER’s workloads are subject to fluctuation due to several reasons, such as launching new products and features and taking advantage of new cloud services like Karpenter. This made the use of AWS Savings Plans, which are more restrictive and challenging to apply.
Zesty’s Solution:
Before implementation, Commitment Manager was assessed by a team of infrastructure engineers who evaluated the product to ensure it wouldn’t cause any disruption to application performance, was going to deliver the savings it promised, and had a minimal security profile.
Because Commitment Manager has no integration with the VMs themselves, instead it connects with the user’s AWS Cost Explorer account, the solution poses no threat to performance, and the security implications are minimal. Because Zesty only engages with the account using a limited set of IAM role permissions, security is further enhanced.
Before signing, the engineering team was able to see the relative cost savings of their instances on their dashboard. This single view of potential savings was the proof of concept that the team needed to get approval.
Furthermore, Zesty’s transparent model of commission based on savings also helped with procurement approvals. The onboarding process took a day and sign-off came through shortly afterward, making it a quick and smooth process.
Zesty proved to be a great catalyst for cloud cost management within BRYTER’s infrastructure team. Deploying Commitment Manager was a critical impetus that allowed the team to become more aware of how costs are generated and managed. It then allowed them to optimize cloud costs and deliver greater efficiency.
The Result:
The engineering team at BRYTER continues to monitor RI adoption of their workloads by logging on to the Zesty dashboard. Aware of the enhanced savings they can achieve with Zesty, they use the tool to ensure that any Savings Plans about to expire are identified and acted upon.
BRYTER set for itself the goal of reducing its cloud expenditure by 40%. Zesty played an important role in helping them achieve this target, with Zesty directly reducing its EC2 costs by more than 50%.
The team at BRYTER also appreciates the flexibility that Zesty provides as it can adapt to new technologies and changes the engineering team makes to their cloud infrastructure.
Kinga Otffinowsksa, Engineering Manager at BRYTER explains that there is peace of mind that comes with knowing that their infrastructure will always remain cost-optimized no matter how major the changes they make.
“We retain full flexibility on what we do with our cloud infrastructure, we just need to be proactive in communicating what our plans are.”
While the increased savings were the key factor for purchasing Zesty, BRYTER’s infrastructure team continues to realize benefits that they didn’t anticipate. Full support and full transparency on how things work being one of them. They see the relationship with Zesty as a partnership, rather than a tool running in the background.
BRYTER is the no-code automation platform built for legal and compliance professionals. Law firms and in-house legal departments use BRYTER to automate workflows, digitize contracting, and build self-service applications. Global law firms like Clifford Chance, Linklaters, and Paul Hastings through to professional service firms like Deloitte, PwC, and KPMG, and in-house legal teams from companies like McDonald’s and Telefonica use BRYTER to deliver services digitally. BRYTER is a remote-first company with offices in New York, London, and Frankfurt.
Their cloud infrastructure is hosted in AWS using EKS clusters, with some experimentation of OpenAI hosted in Azure.
BRYTER’s fluctuating workloads led them to seek a solution that would provide them with even greater flexibility and efficiency than their AWS Savings Plans.
After implementing Zesty, BRYTER reduced its EC2 costs by more than 50%.
“Zesty works with us as if we’re partners, allowing us to adjust and make changes as we need to. We give notice of any major changes and then optimize savings as we go.”
Kinga Otffinowska
Engineering Manager
BRYTER started focusing on optimizing its cloud costs to enable greater efficiency. This involved a review by their engineering team of their entire infrastructure to see where they could make savings.
To start with, they evaluated licenses, removing unnecessary tooling and cost monitoring. Shortly after, they allocated Savings Plans to their workloads.
While they were satisfied with the use of Savings Plans, they were looking for a solution that would provide them with even greater flexibility and efficiency. BRYTER’s workloads are subject to fluctuation due to several reasons, such as launching new products and features and taking advantage of new cloud services like Karpenter. This made the use of AWS Savings Plans, which are more restrictive and challenging to apply.
“The model is very transparent. The more we save, the more commission Zesty gets for it, and that’s something that works for us.”
Kinga Otffinowska
Engineering Manager
Before implementation, Commitment Manager was assessed by a team of infrastructure engineers who evaluated the product to ensure it wouldn’t cause any disruption to application performance, was going to deliver the savings it promised, and had a minimal security profile.
Because Commitment Manager has no integration with the VMs themselves, instead it connects with the user’s AWS Cost Explorer account, the solution poses no threat to performance, and the security implications are minimal. Because Zesty only engages with the account using a limited set of IAM role permissions, security is further enhanced.
Before signing, the engineering team was able to see the relative cost savings of their instances on their dashboard. This single view of potential savings was the proof of concept that the team needed to get approval.
Furthermore, Zesty’s transparent model of commission based on savings also helped with procurement approvals. The onboarding process took a day and sign-off came through shortly afterward, making it a quick and smooth process.
Zesty proved to be a great catalyst for cloud cost management within BRYTER’s infrastructure team. Deploying Commitment Manager was a critical impetus that allowed the team to become more aware of how costs are generated and managed. It then allowed them to optimize cloud costs and deliver greater efficiency.
The engineering team at BRYTER continues to monitor RI adoption of their workloads by logging on to the Zesty dashboard. Aware of the enhanced savings they can achieve with Zesty, they use the tool to ensure that any Savings Plans about to expire are identified and acted upon.
BRYTER set for itself the goal of reducing its cloud expenditure by 40%. Zesty played an important role in helping them achieve this target, with Zesty directly reducing its EC2 costs by more than 50%.
The team at BRYTER also appreciates the flexibility that Zesty provides as it can adapt to new technologies and changes the engineering team makes to their cloud infrastructure.
Kinga Otffinowsksa, Engineering Manager at BRYTER explains that there is peace of mind that comes with knowing that their infrastructure will always remain cost-optimized no matter how major the changes they make.
“We retain full flexibility on what we do with our cloud infrastructure, we just need to be proactive in communicating what our plans are.”
While the increased savings were the key factor for purchasing Zesty, BRYTER’s infrastructure team continues to realize benefits that they didn’t anticipate. Full support and full transparency on how things work being one of them. They see the relationship with Zesty as a partnership, rather than a tool running in the background.
“We also appreciate the support we get. We regularly introduce new technology which impacts how we use our instances, and which instances we use. We’re able to talk about the scaling of it with the Zesty team and plan how we can continue to make sure we’re optimized for cost throughout the process.”
Kinga Otffinowska
Engineering Manager
“It’s completely hands-free and we save 40% each month on our On-Demand costs”
Yair Leshem
DevOps Engineer
"Months after we’ve integrated Zesty into our customer’s environment, the experience still continues to be consistently positive."
Sergio Chavez
Head of Partnerships and Reselling
“The personal support we received from Maxim (CEO) & Alexey (CTO) during the on-boarding was beyond words”
Liran Ben Abu
Head of DevOps