Automated AWS Discount Management
Flexibly adapt discount commitments to your changing compute needs and to your database workloads.

Dramatically reduce EC2 and RDS cost by automatically managing AWS discount commitments according to changing infrastructure needs. Zesty’s cloud cost optimization platform helps you effortlessly achieve deeper discounts, without the financial risk of long-term commitments.
ML model informs when RI allocations need to be added or removed.
Responsive to your application’s needs, RIs are automatically scaled up and down to achieve optimal savings.
No code changes. No agent. A seamless and non-intrusive process that doesn’t require any agent integration with instances, but just set permissions to access AWS Cost Explorer.
Access to AWS Cost-Explorer is only through IAM role authentication for which external ID needs to provide two-factor authentication.
Commitment Manager doesn’t read any data on the instance it only collects and reads usage metrics which is sent uni-directionally to the AI model.
Already using Reserved Instances or Savings plans on your EC2 and RDS workloads? No problem! Zesty can cover the workloads that you struggle to cover on your own with AWS’s most lucrative discount program. By using a combination of Standard and Convertible Reserved Instances, you get an even deeper discount across even more of your workloads!
Many companies miss out on AWS cost savings available through discount commitments due to fear of vendor lock-in and the financial risk of being unable to adjust cloud infrastructure for up to one or three years. Commitment Manager eliminates vendor lock-in by removing the long-term commitment period and instead enables the flexible allocation of discounts across workloads.
Relieve Cloud Engineers from monitoring, calculating, forecasting, and adjusting Amazon Web Services discount commitments by having your commitments automatically adjusted in line with your application needs. Commitment Manager uses a Machine Learning algorithm to enable automatic adjustments that scale allocations alongside changing demand, providing greater coverage with zero effort.
The instantaneous and responsive scalability offered by Commitment Manager enables organizations to migrate workloads when they make changes to their cloud infrastructure. Without concern for vendor lock-in and restraints by long-term commitments, users can immediately benefit from discounts as their workloads are moved or adjusted across environments.
Already using Reserved Instances or Savings plans on your EC2 and RDS workloads? No problem! Zesty can cover the workloads that you struggle to cover on your own with AWS’s most lucrative discount program. By using a combination of Standard and Convertible Reserved Instances, you get an even deeper discount across even more of your workloads!
Many companies miss out on AWS cost savings available through discount commitments due to fear of vendor lock-in and the financial risk of being unable to adjust cloud infrastructure for up to one or three years. Commitment Manager eliminates vendor lock-in by removing the long-term commitment period and instead enables the flexible allocation of discounts across workloads.
Relieve Cloud Engineers from monitoring, calculating, forecasting, and adjusting Amazon Web Services discount commitments by having your commitments automatically adjusted in line with your application needs. Commitment Manager uses a Machine Learning algorithm to enable automatic adjustments that scale allocations alongside changing demand, providing greater coverage with zero effort.
The instantaneous and responsive scalability offered by Commitment Manager enables organizations to migrate workloads when they make changes to their cloud infrastructure. Without concern for vendor lock-in and restraints by long-term commitments, users can immediately benefit from discounts as their workloads are moved or adjusted across environments.
Only pay a percentage of the amount you save, month to month. No commitment. No setup fee.
Get reimbursed for over-provisioned discounts calculated at the end of the month.
Head of DevOps at Armis
Director Cloud Financial Operations at Securonix
“Zesty has allowed us to reduce our overhead. We now have a zero point deviation from cost KPIs”.
Director of Engineering at MIQ
Commitment Manager does not require an agent nor does it touch your AWS EC2 instances. Zesty requires an IAM role to be set up and linked to the Zesty dashboard as well as registration to the RI Marketplace. With these limited permissions our AI algorithms are able to analyze AWS usage data and send commands for buying and selling Reserved Instances.
Yes, Zesty can further reduce AWS costs if you’re already using discount offerings. It can be used to reduce the number of instances running On-Demand, cover the remaining delta of instances that are not on discounts, save on expiring commitments, and more. See your savings potential in minutes with a POC onboarding.
Our mission is to help you make your AWS infrastructure more cost effective without any long-term commitment. Therefore, you do not need to commit upfront to a specific period of time when signing a contract with us. However, we do require 30 days written notice in order to cancel our service.
The full Zesty solution offers a number of insights and tools for AWS cost optimization.
We cover Kubernetes and containerized workloads in addition to Amazon EC2. Since AWS gives better discounts for Linux, you’ll get the best value if 50%+ of your workloads are Linux. Some limitations exist on the types of instances and regions that can be covered, this is due to their relative low availability and liquidity within Amazon Web Services.